Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dear Al Receives Honorable Mention

Heather's floating, Gilmour-esque ballad, Dear Al (Rise) recently received a prestigious Honorable Mention from Mike Pinder's 2010 Songwars international songwriting competition. The judges included a panel of top music industry names, including Mike Pinder, himself (formerly of the Moody Blues).  The honor means the judges deemed the song "notable and deserving of praise." 


Heather will be performing with the NRBK Band at the annual charity event, "Journopalooza," held at the National Press Club ballroom in Washington, D.C. on Friday, January 21, 2011.  Seven bands will take the stage to compete for the title of "DC's Best Media Band".  All proceeds to benefit Reporters Without Borders, CPJ Journalist Assistance Program, and The Eric Friedheim National Journalism Library.  For tickets and details, please visit:  http://www.journopalooza.com/